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Exercises the muscles of the chest to enlarge and identify the muscles in the shortest time

Exercises the muscles of the chest to enlarge and identify the muscles in the shortest time

The first exercise is a huge pinches exercise

One of the best exercises to inflate the teeth and the most famous and absolutely indispensable for the enlargement of the banch, especially the middle-centric muscle

Play this exercise 4 groups in 8 heavy weights

The second exercise is a huge pinches exercise
High pressure

One of the best exercises to inflate the pinsch and the most famous and absolutely indispensable to inflate the punch, especially the upper part of the punch

Play this exercise 4 groups in 8 heavy weights

The third exercise is a huge pinches exercise

Exercise is very important to amplify and identify the lower back muscle
Play this exercise 4 sets in 8 good weights

The fourth exercise is a huge pinched exercise
 pinched Overt

Play this exercise 3 sets in 8 heavy weights

The fifth exercise is a huge pinches exercise


One of the most important exercises in the determination of the muscle below the penis as well as the determination of the muscle Panch completely

Play this exercise 4 groups in 10 clubs, taking into account the descent to the maximum point during the exercise

* Note : These exercises exercise for only one month to change the exercise pattern.


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